The Graduate Institute, Geneva
Authored books
The Economics of European Integration (with Richard Baldwin), McGraw Hill, 2003. Second Edition, 2006, Third Edition, 2009. Fourth Edition, 2012, Fifth Edition in 2015, Sixth Edition in 2019.
Macroeconomics, A European Text (with M. Burda), Oxford University Press, 1993. Second Edition, 1997. Third Edition, 2001. Fourth Edition, 2005. Fifth Edition, 2009. Sixth Edition in 2012. Seventh Edition in 2017.
La fin des privilèges (with Jacques Delpla), Hachette Litérattures, 2007.
L’Europe déclassée ? (with Olivier Blanchard and Jean Pisani-Ferry), Flammarion, 2005.
Réformes structurelles et coordination en Europe (with Guido Tabellini), La Documentation
Française, 2004.
La Banque centrale européenne, (with Patrick Artus), La Documentation Française, 2002.
L'union monétaire de l'Europe (with P. Riché), Le Seuil, Paris, 1993.
Edited books
What to do with the UK? EU Perspectives on Brexit (editor), CEPR EBook, 2016.
Monetary and Financial Cooperation in East Asia (co-edited with Masahiro Kawai and Yung Chul Park), 2015.
Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia: The Relevance of European Experience (With Yung Chul Park), Oxford University Press, 2010.
The New International Monetary System, Essays in honor of Alexander Swoboda (editor), Routledge, 2010.
China, Asia and the World Economy, (co-edited with Barry Eichengreen and Yung Chul Park), Oxford University Press, 2008.
The Impact of EMU on Europe and the Developing Countries, (editor), Oxford University Press, 2001.
EMU: Prospects and Challenges for the Euro, (co-edited with David Begg, Jürgen von Hagen, and Klaus Zimmermann), Blackwell Publishers, 1998.
Hungary: Towards a Market Economy (co-edited with László Halpern), Cambridge University Press, 1998.
The French Economy : Theory and Policy, (co-edited with Jacques Mélitz), Westview Press, 1985, also published as: Annales de l'INSEE, special issue, July-December 1982.